Sunday, August 1, 2010

snag in the process

I completely forgot about the green dress. You know, the one I started on St. Patrick's day and never talked about again.

Well, okay. I didn't forget about it. I've seen it everyday, just the corner of it sticking out from under a pile of clothes in my room. I got frustrated with it after many days of pinning and altering. That's what I get for trying to make a dress, with a darted halter and an a-line waist without any kind of pattern or dress form.

Well, I pulled it out last night. First of all, it needs some serious ironing after being tossed in the corner for so long. The waistline is still a stitched up mess, but I think I could cover it over to hide that. it needs to be flattened down a little too. The ribbon is falling off the bottom because I stitchwitched it on there and never got around to sewing it. The zip is completely exposed. The back, however, still looks darling. At some point, I honestly don't remember doing it, I put in grommets and laced it with green ribbon.

So, I think I will pull it out again and see if I can't save it, after I finish the elastic skirt. Which, I'm about halfway through I think. I used a straight stitch instead of a zig zag on the elastic though so it doesn't currently stretch. haha. I need to pull the stitching out and put it in as a zig zag.

Thursday, July 29, 2010


Auriaya is still in progress, of course.

but a girl's got to have a little something on the side, right? >.<

I've gotten a little burnt out on the titan to be truthful, so i'm spicing it up by making a new skirt. Skirts with thick elastic waistbands seem to be all the rage lately, but i can never find one i like. So, i'm going to make one. I'm going to do it like the first skirt, just with the elastic waistband. The elastic should still be able to stretch as long as I do the gathers properly, and maybe use a zig zag stitch for it.

I got the elastic for free, actually. It was pretty sweet. I found a great pair of wooden wedge heels to go with it at a thrift store for 7 bucks. So, it's all falling together and I'm pretty stoked. <3

Thursday, April 1, 2010

A pattern and a plan.

The Auriaya project commences. That's not the best picture to show it, but the colors I've picked out are really pretty. I found a trim at the fabric store that is absolutely perfetto for edging the skirt and even to make the neck piece out of.

I've chosen Simplicity Pattern Jessica McClintock 2400. I'm going to use view B. It has the sweetheart neckline and simple lines that I want for the dress and I should be able to alter the skirt easily.

I also bought the book SEW: Sew Everything Workshop by Rupp, as recommended by the notoriously vintage Gertie. I'm really looking forward to getting into it! There are a lot of things I need to learn about working with patterns before I even think of touching this fabric.

Note to self: Buy pinking shears! I keep forgetting.

Let the sewing- Err, learning, COMMENCE!

Sunday, March 14, 2010

Skirt complete!

I completed the skirt! I think it turned out rather well for my first real sewing project!

I'm not sure what the name of fabric I used was but it holds the form quite well. I love it- I wore it out around town today.

I used this tutorial:

It's wonderfully clear and concise and I think Gertie has great style.

Thanks Gertie! <3

Next project? Something for St. Patty's day! I'll need something to wear when I go out and celebrate!

Saturday, March 13, 2010


I've learned a lot today in my sewing adventure (so far).

My skirt is about 3/4 of the way done. I'm about to set in a zipper.

Speaking of zippers, apparently there are different types.

Basting is a loose stitching that you can remove later.

There is something called interfacing that you use to give something more shape.

More to come, as soon as I get this finished.

Friday, March 12, 2010

Blast off!

So, I've bought my first sewing machine.

It is a singer 500A Slant-O-Matic, also known as the "Rocketeer"!
I can see how it earned it's nickname- the lines of the body and the dials look very space age. It screams 70's.

The kitties were very interested in it when I brought it home and Bella insists on climbing behind it.

I don't have much else to say. I'm itching to get some sewn! I picked up some fabric earlier today without any real plan in mind. After surfing the web I decided to try my hand at a gathered skirt only to realize I'll need to go back to the store tomorrow and get more because I don't have enough on hand. This makes me horribly impatient.

There's always 24-hour Wal*Mart, right?