Sunday, August 1, 2010

snag in the process

I completely forgot about the green dress. You know, the one I started on St. Patrick's day and never talked about again.

Well, okay. I didn't forget about it. I've seen it everyday, just the corner of it sticking out from under a pile of clothes in my room. I got frustrated with it after many days of pinning and altering. That's what I get for trying to make a dress, with a darted halter and an a-line waist without any kind of pattern or dress form.

Well, I pulled it out last night. First of all, it needs some serious ironing after being tossed in the corner for so long. The waistline is still a stitched up mess, but I think I could cover it over to hide that. it needs to be flattened down a little too. The ribbon is falling off the bottom because I stitchwitched it on there and never got around to sewing it. The zip is completely exposed. The back, however, still looks darling. At some point, I honestly don't remember doing it, I put in grommets and laced it with green ribbon.

So, I think I will pull it out again and see if I can't save it, after I finish the elastic skirt. Which, I'm about halfway through I think. I used a straight stitch instead of a zig zag on the elastic though so it doesn't currently stretch. haha. I need to pull the stitching out and put it in as a zig zag.